Spring 2025:
Gonzalo's cell cycle timer paper is up on bioRxiv https://doi.org/10.1101/2025.01.16.629716
Rahail Ashraf joined Neural Diversity Lab as a postdoctoral fellow
FlyGuy is a National Academy Kavli Fellow
We are co-organizing the Annual Southwest Developmental Biology Meeting https://www.swsdb2025.org/
Fall 2024:
Adil's paper is accepted in Current Biology! And Adil is also a father now! Congrats
UNM News Room https://news.unm.edu/news/neuroscience-lab-research-looks-into-factors-in-sleep-behavior
First PhD from the lab Dr. Aisha Hamid graduated with distinction! Aisha is now a postdoc at Janelia Research Campus
Nicholas Redhouse spent a semester in the Senator's office in D.C, learning and advocating for science and education policy in New Mexico
There new undergraduates, Selena Redhouse, Zoe Mariner, Jesicka Villagrana, and Victor Chavarria, joined the lab
Spring 2024:
Current Biology QA with the FlyGuy https://www.cell.com/current-biology/fulltext/S0960-9822%2824%2900297-5
Lab got funds from the Department of Defense https://www.defense.gov/News/Releases/Release/Article/3711356/dod-announces-defense-established-program-to-stimulate-competitive-research-awa/
Alexa Gonzalez got into graduate school at OHSU!
Renae Simonson is starting graduate school at North Campus, University of New Mexico!
Ethan Wilson will start graduate school at UNM!
The lab got the NIH ReWARD R01! This grant, which will be used in collaboration with Kathy, will focus on investigating the mechanisms regulating neural diversity of the CX olfactory navigation circuit. It will also support our ongoing efforts to build diversity in neuroscience. Thanks to the lab and all the people, mentors, and collaborators who have been part of Pueblo Brain Science.
Aisha's paper is accepted in Current Biology!
Tulaib spends a week at Janelia Research Campus to learn EASI-FISH (Thanks to Janelia for transferring knowledge and training our students.
Fall 2023:
Sean got into the MD program! Congratulations, Sean : From Fly Doctor to Medical Doctor
Adil's manuscript is online at BioRxiv! This was a great collaboration on linking stem cells, hormones, and sleep. Thanks to Adil and all collaborators and funding agencies. https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.09.29.560022
A new graduate student Tulaib Azam, is joining the Neural Diversity Lab
The FlyGuy got the NARSAD Young Investigator Award! Thanks to the Brain and Behavior Research Foundation for supporting our research on understanding the basic principles of brain development.
Nicholas Redhouse joined as an undergrad researcher. Nick is a transfer student from San Juan College in Farmington
The leaders in the field joined us at UNM for a one-day neuroscience symposium on " Specification of Complex Behaviors" Read more here http://news.unm.edu/news/student-researchers-engage-with-national-neuroscience-experts-at-unm-hosted-conference
Summer 2023:
Aisha's first manuscript is online at BioRxiv! Thanks to Aisha and all the others who contributed to this story!
doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.05.26.542522
Aisha is heading to Janelia to start working on the collaborative Janelia Visiting Scientist Program with Vivek!
Ethan got into the PREP program at UNM and is continuing to work in the lab. Congrats Ethan!
Alexa is doing a summer internship in Prof. Catherine Dulac's lab at Harvard Medical School- nicely done!
Gonzalo decided to join the University of Oregon Neuroscience Graduate program! Congrats Gonzalo! - Chris Doe is waiting.
Spring 2023: Feb 15 FlyGuy is the Sloan Research Fellow in Neuroscience!
Alexa presented a poster at the Annual Drosophila Research Conference in Chicago!
Andrew got an NSF GRFP fellowship